Happy New Year!

Hello Everybody and Welcome to Best Shot Whisky Reviews!

After having spend some very nice days in the mountains of Monte Verde in the state of Minas Gerais I'm back in Sao Paulo to write the first few words in 2013. This is a picture that will give you an idea of Monte Verde and surroundings.

I would like to thank you all for showing so much interest in Whisky and Classic Rock in 2012. Not only by visiting the site but also via comments, e-mails, Facebook messages etc. A special thanks to some of my readers in the Netherlands, Brazil, Germany, the USA, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia and Scotland who surprised me with samples and books on whisky. Really appreciated! So to all of you a very happy and healthy 2013. It will be another challenging year for the world with lots of problems to sort out. I hope that politicians will use common sense for once and will try to tackle some of the most urgent problems. There's too much war, too much unemployment, too much violence, too much poverty and too much pollution. Just to name a few of them. 

As far as whisky is concerned I hope that supply and demand will find a new balance in the coming years with consistent quality and reasonable prices. It won't be easy because demand is booming, especially in the new Asian markets. For 2013 I expect higher prices again. So be careful with what you buy. Try a sample or a miniature bottle first before buying a full bottle. That can save you a lot of money and stress! And read as many reviews as possible, especially from independent reviewers. They will give you a fair idea of what to expect from a whisky. But never forget as well that Taste is something really personal. Just drink what you like! But not too much (well, not every day at least!) and never when you have to drive!!!

I have been able to collect sufficient samples and miniatures to provide you with some very informative (and hopefully useful) reviews in 2013. Tomorrow we will start the year with Evan Williams, a very reasonable and affordable Bourbon from Kentucky! 

I hope you will continue to like Best Shot Whisky reviews in 2013. Please let me know your suggestions, ideas or wishes in the Comments section or send me an e-mail (janende@uol.com.br). 
Cheers, Happy 2013 and hope to see you all back tomorrow to check out the Evan Williams Review.



The Malt Desk said...

Happy New Year from Denmark, Jan!

I wholeheartedly agree with what you write above, both about whisky and the World in general.

Lets hope for a better 2013!

Claus, The Malt Desk

Jan van den Ende said...

Thanks Claus! And a very Happy New Year for You and the Malt Desk as well. Keep up the good work! Cheers, Jan