Barwick Blended Whisky Review

Country: Scotland 
Brand: Barwick
Type: Blended Scotch Whisky
Age:Over 5 Years
ABV: 40 %

Colour: Light Golden

Nose: Nothing of Interest going on here. Grain Alcohol, Dusty Wood, Nut Casks, Toast with Margarine and a little Honey, Pepper and a bit of Toffee. Hints of Malt and Orange Peel. No Off-Notes.

Palate: Watery and Sugary Sweet. Bit of Toffee, Pepper, Cereals, Licorice and slightly Bitter Wood

Finish: Short and Bitter-Sweet with some Pepper, Licorice, Lemon and slightly Bitter Wood.

When you add Water you get something I can't call Whisky anymore. So don't!

Rating: 69.5

Nose: 18 - Taste: 17 - Finish: 17 - Overall: 17.5

General Remarks: I'm afraid I can't tell you much about this Blended Whisky except that it was bottled on August 3, 1984 by - or for John Lint & Co.Ltd., Glasgow. I also googled a picture of the probable Label. Today a John Lint Blended Whisky 3 Years seems to exist and is packed and marketed in Belgium by Konings. My Belgian friend and colleague Mark Dermul reviewed a John Lint 12 years (1968) and gave it 50 Points! I googled John Lint, Glasgow but nothing pops up. Quite a mystery!

Drinking Experience Neat: Below Average. 

Conclusion: It's not a Deadly Blend of Spirits or Souls as the above pictured Book would like you to believe. But it is a Sad Affair I'm afraid. Nothing of any interest going on here. If all Whisky would taste like this, I would give up this Hobby right away! I have no idea which Single Malts are used to compose this Blend. She's a Mystery to me and that's fine!!!

Jan van den Ende                             September 22, 2013 and March 20,2017


Whiskycuse said...

Seems to be something that my coke would enjoy to be mixed with. Is it the worst whisky you have tasted so far?

Jan van den Ende said...

Nooooooooo Marcus, Don't put it in your Coke!!!Coke is too nice for that. And no, it's not the lowest score so far but it' s close to the bottom stuff!